welcome to Shuguang Europe B.V.
Introduction of our company

Shuguang Europe B.V. is a fully owned subsidiary company of Nanjing Shuguang Chemical Gruop, it was established in Eindhoven, the Nedtherlands in January 2008, Shuguang Europe B.V. is in charge of pre-registration and registration for chemical substances in products of Nanjing Shuguang Chemical Gruop. Meanwhile, it engages in sales and purchasing business in European market, and provides better services to local customers.

Shuguang Europe B.V.

address: 't college 14-16, 5611EH Eindhoven, the Netherlands

tel/fax :0031-(0)40-2440262


Contact person: Mr. Mei,Ning

Postition:Managing Director & President

E-mail: meining@shuguang.nl